Friday Book Blogger Hop – 12th -18th March

Friday Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books. It is now hosted by Billy @Coffee Addicted Writings. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog. 

What percentage (roughly) of the books you read do you write blog post reviews for?
submitted by Elizabeth @ Complex Chaos

So my first thought was to say 100%, however the percentage depends on if you count a DNF as read or not. I’m an avid reviewer (on Goodreads) and as a general rule do blog those reviews on here. What I don’t tend to do is post blog reviews of books I have abandoned. The number of books I decide to not complete is pretty small so even if they are included the percentage of blogged reviews would be in the high 90’s.

To my mind those 1 and 2 star reviews for books are important. My opinion is that if I’m spending my money on something then I want the reviews about it to not only be honest but also to show the true picture. No-one bats an eyelid at the thought of leaving a low review for bad workman or a poor quality product they have purchased, but when it comes to books a lot of readers balk at the idea. As long as the review focuses on why the book didn’t work for you, and doesn’t get rude or personal, then I do think it’s important to leave those low ratings.

I do wonder if I should include reviews of those books that I DNF, I’m not sure why haven’t blogged them in the past! Do you review all your reads? Do you blog any of them?

7 thoughts on “Friday Book Blogger Hop – 12th -18th March

  1. ARCs and blog tour books, I always review but not if I DNF. I do however, with ARCs, try to send the publisher a sort of mini-review or explanation for my choice. I think that is only fair and the professional way to handle it. Then I cross my fingers that they won’t put me on some kind of black list. lol. But other than mentioning it on my discussion-y posts, I don’t put it anywhere else like Goodreads or Amazon.

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  2. I personally don’t count DNF books as read and so don’t review or rate them. I sometimes will mention them in a post as to why I DNF’d a book. It depends on how far I get in the book. I really don’t DNF too many books though. Maybe one or two a year, if that. I do separate out books I consider DNF and books I don’t finish because the timing is bad and I plan to try again later. A DNF is a book I will not return to.

    I don’t have a problem with others who do review or rate DNF books, however. It’s good to know why a book didn’t work for someone. It could be the reason you couldn’t finish is is a reason that would turn me off too–or the opposite. I may want to read it even more. It’s happened.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

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  3. I completely agree with you about the 1 and 2 star reviews! I always find myself questioning whether or not to post them and feeling weird about it, but then I realize it would be silly not to if that’s my honest opinion and I can explain why I feel the way I do. Then other readers can do what they want with the information!

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  4. Somewhere along the line,i found the stories i enjoy most.
    So,a negative review doesn’t happen that often…..but if a book surprises me and really disappoints,i have my DNF shelf.
    That one in itself should say enough,but i do include a comment sometimes as to why.

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